Role Of Integrated Audio Visual Systems In Modern Workplace
Before the global pandemic, businesses were moving toward remote work with the establishment of hybrid teams that consisted of people working from home and from the office. It allowed employees to decide whether they prefer working from home or the office. But the pandemic of 2019 greatly accelerated the need for remote work, which made the integration of audio-visual equipment in the workplace a priority for many companies. Also, many companies have multiple office locations which require communication between them; this has traditionally been the driving force for Video Teleconference.
Challenges Faced In Non-Integrated Meeting Rooms
Meeting rooms can enhance the productivity and effectiveness of your work teams. But they only work if you have the right setup. Relying on ad hoc arrangements can lead to problems. Here are some of the challenges that you will face with such non-integrated meeting rooms:
1. Technical Issues
Video conferences that rely on ad hoc systems that sometimes do not function properly can lead to missed meetings, delays, and loss of productivity. It can also demoralize the team. No one wants to waste productive time suffering through a conference call that does not provide good video or good sound.
2. Security
Protecting client, employee, and company data is one of the primary responsibilities of any business. Anytime you do business online, such data is at risk.
You can lower your company’s vulnerability to security issues by using a dedicated system that has all the proper security settings enabled. With Zoom and Microsoft Teams platforms, although having desktop applications, they also have Room setups that dedicated the computer to the room and the function of video conferencing. These dedicated systems are controlled through a touch panel that runs the App for controller the Room program. The dedicated touch panel gives the users control of video conference meetings to mute attendees, remove unwanted attendees, admit attendees, and lock the meeting in after the invited attendees have arrived.
Audio Video Equipment For Integrated Meeting Rooms
Communication technology shapes the way employees connect and collaborate for work. Enhanced video and audio technology are more advanced for organizations than ever.
If you intend to create an integrated meeting room, you should seek audio visual consultation. It is important to have the correct audio-video equipment for your integrated meeting room as well as a professional and technically correct installation. A company that specializes in audio visual conference room equipment will put together a comprehensive proposal for you, free of charge, and then proceed to implement that system upon approval.
Here Is The Equipment That Is Typically Part Of An Audio Visual System
1. Display
The quality of your display should be excellent. You should assume that you will not only meet with co-workers but clients as well. You cannot afford choppy or pixelated video. For this reason, you should opt for an HD or 4K fidelity display. The modern displays not only enable you to see co-workers in faraway locations, but also let you cast presentations and screen share from laptops, tablets, and smartphones.
Another aspect of displays is that they should be commercial grade displays that will retain their warranties in a non-residential setting such as an office. These displays also are built for 16 or 24 hours / 7 days a week operation.
2. Dedicated Audio And Video Conferencing Codec/ Hub
The conferencing platform you choose should have a dedicated video conferencing function. It should allow individuals in your company to host stable and secure meetings and connect with people from around the world. Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Cisco WebEx, and GoToMeeting all provide different conference room solutions. All come with features like chat, document sharing, graphic presentations, full online access, and more.
3. Camera And Sometimes Tracking Cameras
The cameras in your audio-visual conferencing system should be suitable for the room that they are put into in terms of focal length, zooming features, and field of view.
These days, cameras can also have a tracking function, as well as adjustable viewpoints, wide angles, and remote controls. Tracking cameras focus on the person currently speaking and provide for a dynamic and more personal video conference. Not every Audio Visual integrator is adapt at installing, configuring, and programming systems that have tracking cameras.
4. Microphones
Clear voices are essential in any meeting. People should be able to hear one another. For this reason, the microphones that come with your system should be of high quality and also be properly configured and programmed for your room. This will make it so that everyone’s voice will be picked up and amplified, no matter where they are sitting in the room. These microphones have the flexibility to be placed into the ceiling, on the table, or positioned below the display as a soundbar.
5. Control Touch Panel
It should be easy for the host of a video conference meeting to run it smoothly. To this end, it is best to choose video conferencing equipment that has a control touch panel. The control panel acts as a remote control for the conference room. It puts control of the various functions in one place, and it gives the host the ability to manage and moderate the conversation. Users can switch between features with a single click.
Creston, for example, develops hardware for system control and, with the correct programming, provides outstanding conference room solutions.
6. Interactive White Board
An interactive whiteboard, also known as a virtual smartboard, is a good thing to have in a video conferencing room. It is often used for brainstorming sessions. The app will allow you and your team to draw on it together. It is one of the better collaboration tools on the market.
Zoom Room allows users to whiteboard while on the call and share their work with other attendees throughout the conference.
Having the right audio-visual conferencing equipment will allow the teams in your company to improve their performance. It will help you provide the kind of flexibility that increasing numbers of talented workers are demanding in the post-pandemic work culture.
Contact JVN Systems Today
Finding a company that can provide fully integrated meeting rooms with the right and properly installed audio-visual conferencing equipment will allow the teams in your company to perform better. We are JVN Systems, and we provide you with access to exceptional conference room audio visual solutions based on our experience and reliability. Give us a call today to learn more about how we can help you!